About OBI

Orkestar Bez Ime: Pressroom

Did you know: Rogaria (ROG) is home to the world's first newspaper. Although originally thought of no use beyond training Rogarian house pets, national tabloid, "The Roggy Times Signature", has become increasingly popular for fish wrapping and bird cage lining.

What people say about OBI

front row, left to right: Colleen Bertsch, Katrina Mundinger, Natalie Nowytski, Scott Keever;
back row, left to right: Dee Langley, Matt Miller

"24 Hours" Daily (Sofia, Bulgaria)
(Article in Bulgarian)

Minnesota Public Radio (on-line article)
All Things Considered, Auguust 30, 2005
Minnesota musicians play to save the European folk (music) by Dan Olson

Mpls/St.Paul Magazine
August issue, 2005
Orkestar Bez Ime The band's rousing Balkan tunes, with an American flavor, are in high demand all over the Midwest-and the new CD demonstrates why.

Day of Music, Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota
July 15, 2005
Orkestar BŔz Ime - Five versatile, virtuoso Twin Cities musicians present a fusion of Balkan and other eastern European folk-music styles.

StarTribune (on-line article)
May 13, 2005
Euro music, but not stuck-up by Chris Riemenschneider

City Pages by Rod Smith
May 12, 2005
Like brother "Skeets", former Larry Malmberg student and Orkestar Bez Ime member Dee Langley has made a lifelong passion of the accordion. Granted her mentor probably never imagined that she'd end up employing her hard-won skills in a nearly all-female quintet that specializes in Balkan folk music. Let alone one with a pronounced sense of humor. But hey, that's the free reed game! The band's between song machinations at the release party fir its debut CD, Nice Driveway Vol.1, Cheers from the Land of the Freeze, might well merit attendance on their own.

The Onion
May 12, 2005
Orkestar Bez Ime claims to be from a made-up country called Rogaria (population:5), but the members of this quintet are clearly citizens of the world. An out-growth of the Twin Cities-based Ethnic Dance Theatre, the Balkan-infected group-its name is Bulgarian for "orchestra with no name"-combines a love of eastern European folk with a cross-pollinating American sensibility that encompasses Swedish, gypsy, Isreali, and Armenian tunes-and even a couple of Minnesota-centric polkas written by accordionist Dee Langley.

The Pulse (on-line article)
May 11, 2005
Dust off your traditional Balkan tunics, folks, itĺs time to dance! by Aaron Neumann

OBI Fact Sheet (find out more about the members of the Rogarian State Ensemble, Orkestar Bez Ime)

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